Can Transcendental Meditation Be Used to Help Soccer Players?

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Article provided by Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance.

Transcendental Meditation has been around a long time but many people still do not know that much about it. What is it and how does it work? Can it help soccer players and others in sports with their games?

This type of meditation gets its name from the fact that the individual is learning how to transcend space and time. The goal may be different for every person. Some people may want to learn how to stop worrying and destress. Others might be looking for ways to move outside their own thoughts, feelings and even their personality.

You begin by learning the art of how to perform deep cleansing breathing techniques. This may sound easy but actually requires some teaching and practice to learn correctly. You will also need a mantra. This can be anything of your choosing but some mantras are more powerful and meaningful than others.

For instance, you might choose your own city of birth or combine the date of birth with a city you love. When a teacher is present to work with students, the teacher will choose each person’s mantra. For those who might be trying to overcome some deficiency, such as a fear of public speaking, you can include this in the mantra as well.

As each individual becomes better using various techniques of Transcendental Meditation, they will often report unusual experiences. These include spiritual encounters and heightened mindfulness. As you continue down this path, you become more aware of the world around you. You can sense when things are out of kilter. You can instantly pick up stress and make the choice not to allow it into your life.

Soccer players and others in the sporting industry have found Transcendental Meditation to be beneficial. It not only helps players to learn better focus, but it also enables them to see the areas where their game needs improvement.

Teacher Zhang Xinyue is an internationally renowned body-mind-spirit tutor. With a simple style, her book, Create Abundance, published in 2012, reaches into the depths of people’s hearts and has ever since remained a best seller for body-mind-spirit cultivation. Living abroad, Teacher Zhang Xinyue of Create Abundance is currently conducting a field of social research as she has done research worldwide.

Teacher Zhang Xinyue encourages every individual to grow through self-help. She hopes that every reader starts to practice being their own mentor and learns to transform awareness into wisdom autonomously.


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